OPW @ Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain
Art Workshop
An international post-master programme at Casino Luxembourg and Centre Emile Hamilius (Luxemboug)
from 17–31 July 2011
Guillaume Aubry, Béatrice Balcou, Nayari Castillo, Hanna Husberg, Yota Ioannidou, Verica Kovacevska, Kuo-Wei Lin, Laura McLean, Ugochukwu-Smooth Nzewi, Beto Shwafaty.
Exhibition: 30. & 31.07.2011 18 July 2011
Inaugural symposium:
with guests lecturers:
Monica Narula (Raqs Media Collective, New Delhi, India)
Marjetica Potrč (Ljubljana, Slovenia and Berlin, Germany)
Gathered around the theme of ‚Other Possible Worlds – Dictionary in Space‘, ten international artists participated in this year’s Art Workshop, a residency programme organised by Casino Luxembourg in collaboration with Université du Luxembourg.
The ‚dictionary in space‘ aims at opening a space for multiple projects from various parts of the world to propose and test out other realities of life and other „Weltvorstellungen“ (world visions). With this collection of ideas, terminologies, models, projects, kits and modes of acting, the participating artists strive to develop fields of references, other ways of creating orders.
Together with the workshop leaders Dorothee Albrecht, Berit Fischer and Paul di Felice, the artists participated during their two week stay in think tank discussions and lectures; an exhibition presenting the works of art realised on the spot ends the residency. The Centre Emile Hamilius, generously provided by the City of Luxembourg, hosts the exhibition that is realised in collaboration with IUEOA asbl.